
21 Biblical Restrictions People Conveniently Disregard

Hands folded in prayer on a Holy Bible in church concept for faith Brian A Jackson Shutterstock

The Bible contains a variety of moral teachings that are often overlooked in modern life.

Many biblical principles, while acknowledged, are conveniently ignored when they conflict with today’s values. The following overlooked commands reveal the complexities of living according to today’s principles while following ancient scriptures.

Here, we walk through the biblical prohibitions that are frequently dismissed, shining a light on the gap between belief and practice.

Charging Interest on Loans

stressed young woman reading document letter bank loan debt financial problem letter fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

The Bible explicitly prohibits the charging of interest on loans to the poor, a practice known as usury, which is condemned in several passages, including Exodus 22:25 and Deuteronomy 23:19. Despite this, the modern financial system heavily relies on interest rates, and many individuals and institutions engage in lending at interest without a second thought.

This practice highlights the tension between ancient scriptural teachings and contemporary economic realities.

Working on the Sabbath

Shipping Container Job Work Inspector Engineer Gorodenkoff Shutterstock
image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

The commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy and refrain from work is one of the Ten Commandments emphasized in Exodus 20:8-11. However, in today’s fast-paced world, many people, including Christians, often work on the Sabbath, either by choice or necessity.

This disregard for the Sabbath reflects the challenges of balancing religious observance with modern work demands.

Divorce and Remarriage

Married couple holding hands fingers wedding rings bride groom marriage Funda Demirkaya Shutterstock
image credit: Funda Demirkaya/Shutterstock

According to Matthew 19:6, Jesus taught that marriage is meant to be a lifelong union and divorce, except in cases of sexual immorality, is discouraged. Yet, divorce rates are high, even among Christians, and remarriage after divorce is common despite the Bible’s clear stance on the sanctity of marriage.

This widespread acceptance of divorce and remarriage highlights a significant departure from traditional biblical teachings.


Couple eating cheese fondue with wine bread grapes and tomatoes New Africa Shutterstock
image credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Gluttony, or overindulgence in food and drink, is condemned in Proverbs 23:20-21 and considered one of the seven deadly sins in Christian tradition. Despite this, overeating and unhealthy lifestyles are prevalent in many cultures, including those with a strong Christian heritage. The normalization of gluttony in society shows how this particular sin is often overlooked or minimized.


Pregnancy work gossip discrimination PeopleImages.com Yuri A Shutterstock
image credit: PeopleImages.com-Yuri-A/Shutterstock

The Bible warns against gossiping in multiple verses, such as Proverbs 16:28 and James 4:11, emphasizing the harm it can cause to relationships and communities. However, gossip remains a common and often socially accepted behavior, even among those who consider themselves devout.

This contradiction between belief and behavior underscores the difficulty in adhering to biblical principles in everyday life.

Envy and Jealousy

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image credit: new-africa/Shutterstock

Envy and jealousy are condemned in the Bible, with passages like James 3:16 and Proverbs 14:30 warning of their destructive effects. Despite this, these emotions are often indulged in or even encouraged in competitive environments, such as workplaces or social media.

The prevalence of envy and jealousy in modern culture contrasts sharply with the Bible’s teachings on contentment and gratitude.

Bearing False Witness

Police crime witness confession wreck accident arrest alibi Fractal Pictures Shutterstock
image credit: Fractal Pictures/Shutterstock

The commandment “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16) forbids lying and deceit, particularly in legal or interpersonal contexts. Nevertheless, dishonesty is a widespread issue, from small white lies to major fraud, often justified as harmless or necessary.

This common disregard for the truth reveals how difficult it can be to live according to strict biblical standards.


Woman fashion shopping maxbelchenko Shutterstock
image credit: maxbelchenko/Shutterstock

The Bible cautions against the pursuit of wealth and material possessions, with verses like Matthew 6:19-21 urging believers to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. Despite this, materialism is deeply ingrained in many cultures, with the accumulation of wealth and luxury goods often seen as a measure of success.

The contrast between biblical teachings and modern consumerism is stark, highlighting the challenge of living a spiritually focused life in a materialistic world.


Two males arguing outside fight disagreement confrontation altercation upset angry mad Krakenimagescom Shutterstock
image credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

Pride is frequently condemned in the Bible, with Proverbs 16:18 famously stating, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Despite this, pride is often celebrated as a virtue in modern society, where self-promotion and confidence are encouraged. The elevation of pride in contemporary culture contrasts with the Bible’s emphasis on humility and selflessness.


Winning team is holding trophy in hands success victory teamwork win game cheer sports CeltStudio Shutterstock
image credit: CeltStudio/Shutterstock

Idolatry, or the worship of idols, is one of the most frequently condemned sins in the Bible, with passages like Exodus 20:4-5 explicitly forbidding it. In today’s world, idolatry can take many forms, from the adoration of celebrities and material possessions to the prioritization of personal success over spiritual values.

The persistence of modern idolatry shows how easily this ancient sin can be reinterpreted and overlooked.


Couple cheating social media lying jealous PeopleImages.com Yuri A Shutterstock
image credit: PeopleImages.com Yuri A/Shutterstock

The Tenth Commandment, “You shall not covet” (Exodus 20:17), warns against the desire for others’ possessions, relationships, or status. Despite this clear directive, coveting is a common human experience, often fueled by advertising and social media that promote comparison and envy.

The pervasive nature of coveting in contemporary life highlights the challenge of adhering to this biblical command.


Couple Fighting Emotional Stressed Break up fizkes Shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Adultery is explicitly prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:14) and is condemned throughout the Bible as a serious sin. Despite this, adultery remains a significant issue in society, with many people engaging in extramarital affairs or turning a blind eye to them. The normalization of adultery in some circles starkly contrasts with the Bible’s strict stance on marital fidelity.

Using God’s Name in Vain

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image credit: david-pereiras/Shutterstock

The Third Commandment forbids taking the Lord’s name in vain (Exodus 20:7), which traditionally includes using God’s name casually or inappropriately. However, phrases like “Oh my God” have become common expressions in everyday language, often used without any religious intent. This casual use of God’s name reflects a shift in cultural attitudes toward sacredness and reverence.

Not Helping the Poor

Homeless Volunteer Shelter Dmytro Zinkevych Shutterstock
image credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of helping the poor, with verses like Proverbs 19:17 and Matthew 25:35-40 urging believers to care for those in need. Despite these teachings, many people and societies fail to prioritize the needs of the poor, often focusing more on personal gain than on charitable giving.

The gap between biblical directives and real-world actions in this area is a significant moral challenge.


Friends Bar Eat Food Dinner Craft Beer Celebrate Drazen Zigic Shutterstock
image credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

Drunkenness is condemned in the Bible, with passages like Ephesians 5:18 advising believers not to get drunk on wine but to be filled with the Spirit. Nevertheless, excessive drinking and the culture of partying are prevalent in many societies, even among those who identify as Christians.

The acceptance of drunkenness as a social norm highlights the difficulty of adhering to biblical teachings in a culture that often celebrates excess.

Sorcery and Witchcraft

Salem Massachusetts tourists witch costumes halloween Heidi Besen Shutterstock
image credit: Heidi Besen/Shutterstock

The Bible explicitly condemns practices like sorcery, witchcraft, and divination in passages such as Deuteronomy 18:10-12. Despite these warnings, interest in astrology, tarot, and other forms of modern witchcraft has surged in recent years, often viewed as harmless or trendy rather than sinful. This growing fascination with the occult contrasts sharply with the Bible’s strict prohibitions.

Loving Money

Money Heist Show on Netflix TakePhoto Shutterstock
image credit: TakePhoto/Shutterstock

The Bible famously warns that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10), advising believers to seek contentment rather than wealth. Despite this, the pursuit of money is a driving force in many people’s lives, often justified as necessary for success or security.

The tension between the biblical warning and modern economic ambitions reveals the challenge of balancing spiritual values with material needs.

Dressing Immodestly

Woman Fashion bracelet Hat Flowers Denim Victoria Fox Shutterstock
image credit: Victoria Fox/Shutterstock

The Bible encourages modesty in dress, with passages like 1 Timothy 2:9 advising women to dress modestly and with decency. In contrast, modern fashion often promotes revealing or provocative clothing, with societal norms shifting significantly from biblical ideals.

The prevalence of immodesty in contemporary culture highlights a significant departure from traditional scriptural teachings.

Lack of Forgiveness

young woman tired worried stressed grief guilt sad depressed troubled sb arts media shutterstock
image credit: sb-arts-media/Shutterstock

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, with Jesus teaching in Matthew 6:14-15 that forgiving others is essential for receiving God’s forgiveness. Despite this, holding grudges and seeking revenge are common behaviors, even among those who profess a commitment to Christian values.

The struggle to forgive reflects the difficulty of living out this fundamental biblical principle in real-life situations.

Judging Others

Law legal judgement legislation court Chinnapong Shutterstock
image credit: Chinnapong/Shutterstock

Jesus famously advised against judging others in Matthew 7:1-2, yet judgmental attitudes and behaviors are common, both within religious communities and in society at large. People often justify their judgments as discernment or concern, overlooking the Bible’s call for compassion and humility.

This contradiction between scripture and practice reveals the challenge of fully embracing the Bible’s teachings on mercy and grace.


Woman talking on speaker phone voice memo record PeopleImagescom Yuri A Shutterstock
image credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

The Bible advises against using foul or corrupt language, with Ephesians 4:29 urging believers to speak only what is helpful for building others up. Despite this, swearing and the use of offensive language are pervasive in modern culture, often seen as harmless or expressive. The normalization of swearing reflects a departure from biblical guidance on speech and behavior.

Not Honoring Parents

Woman Child Parenting Blanket Decor Cozy Yuganov Konstantin Shutterstock
image credit: Yuganov-Konstantin/Shutterstock

The command to honor one’s father and mother is one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12) and is reinforced throughout the Bible. Yet, in contemporary society, respect for parents and elders is often undermined by generational conflicts and a focus on individualism.

The erosion of this biblical value highlights the challenges of maintaining traditional family dynamics in a rapidly changing world.

Joe Frankel

Joe Frankel is a seasoned writer with a degree in Philosophy who enjoys covering entertainment and money topics. He's a coffee aficionado who enjoys roasting his own beans and making cold brew at home.